Give Your Office a Winter Prune!
Clear out, clean and re-energise your office and business.
I spent a lot of time in the garden this weekend, pruning the fruit trees and roses, clearing weedy areas and generally having a good old tidy up and a bonfire. Although it is hard to imagine for those of you on the other side of the world watching Wimbledon, basking in the summer sun eating strawberries and cream and drinking champagne, here in Victoria it's more a case of roast chestnuts and mulled wine by the fire, wondering whether you can afford a weekend in the snow.
While I was outside, it occurred to me that it would be a good idea to set aside some time for some "winter pruning" in my office too. I noticed that it was in pretty much the same shape as the garden had been and could use the same attention. It is amazing how piles of papers and clutter build up on the desk, rather than being filed or thrown out. Old magazines and newspapers with the "must keep" article that is still sitting waiting to be cut out and filed. Bills waiting to be paid; bills that have been paid; bank statements - I realised that all this clutter had crept up on me and that my office was a mess - and you can't run a professional, efficient business from a mess.
The energy of a room changes completely with a good clean and clear out. The sight of a tidy office and gleaming desk draws you in and inspires you to get out there and find a new client, chase up a lead or enrol on a new training course.
It inspired me to download the Membership Form for the Institute of Linguists to rejoin as an Associate. Although I have a Diploma in Bilingual Secretarial Studies and belonged to the IoL in the past, my career path took me away from using languages and it has only been in the last couple of years that I realised I really missed it and wanted to get back into translating. It also dovetails really well into my VA work.
I have been preparing to take the Translator's examination with NAATI (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) here in Australia for the last year or so and joined AUSIT (the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators) last year as an Associate Affiliate.
Taking steps towards improving skills through training and learning something new, not only re-energises your business, but also yourself. So, let your self go and get rid of any deadwood and clutter in your office, cupboards and your life and re-energise for winter!
Clear out, clean and re-energise your office and business.
I spent a lot of time in the garden this weekend, pruning the fruit trees and roses, clearing weedy areas and generally having a good old tidy up and a bonfire. Although it is hard to imagine for those of you on the other side of the world watching Wimbledon, basking in the summer sun eating strawberries and cream and drinking champagne, here in Victoria it's more a case of roast chestnuts and mulled wine by the fire, wondering whether you can afford a weekend in the snow.
While I was outside, it occurred to me that it would be a good idea to set aside some time for some "winter pruning" in my office too. I noticed that it was in pretty much the same shape as the garden had been and could use the same attention. It is amazing how piles of papers and clutter build up on the desk, rather than being filed or thrown out. Old magazines and newspapers with the "must keep" article that is still sitting waiting to be cut out and filed. Bills waiting to be paid; bills that have been paid; bank statements - I realised that all this clutter had crept up on me and that my office was a mess - and you can't run a professional, efficient business from a mess.
The energy of a room changes completely with a good clean and clear out. The sight of a tidy office and gleaming desk draws you in and inspires you to get out there and find a new client, chase up a lead or enrol on a new training course.
It inspired me to download the Membership Form for the Institute of Linguists to rejoin as an Associate. Although I have a Diploma in Bilingual Secretarial Studies and belonged to the IoL in the past, my career path took me away from using languages and it has only been in the last couple of years that I realised I really missed it and wanted to get back into translating. It also dovetails really well into my VA work.
I have been preparing to take the Translator's examination with NAATI (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) here in Australia for the last year or so and joined AUSIT (the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators) last year as an Associate Affiliate.
Taking steps towards improving skills through training and learning something new, not only re-energises your business, but also yourself. So, let your self go and get rid of any deadwood and clutter in your office, cupboards and your life and re-energise for winter!
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