You Are What You Perceive Yourself To Be
Be inspired and Go For It!
A woman I have never met sent me these words in response to an email I had posted on one of the forums I belong to. Feeling particularly fed up with a discussion topic which had been going on for weeks, which I felt was negative and unhelpful, I sent an email challenging some of the points of view that I had been reading.
Later, I received a personal reply which made me feel great! Someone had heard and understood.
There's a lot of talk about random acts of kindness, but this was the first time I had actually experienced one. I was really touched that this busy lady had taken the time and trouble to give me a much needed boost and offered some really helpful advice.
I felt so full of confidence after exchanging a few more emails with this lady, that I joined and applied for a job, translating and transcribing some interviews. I had visited the site before but hadn't dared join. After all, it was for real translators wasn't it?, not people like me.
This lovely lady made me see that I had all the necessary qualifications and experience - the only thing holding me back was me! This made me think back to my first post "Is It Explosious?". Clearly, there was still some of the "fraud factor" lurking about. If the phrase , "Your perception is your reality" is true - what was I saying about myself?
A mentor can be a wonderful thing. I think sometimes it is easy to forget how you felt when you started anything new, whether it is a sport, hobby or change of career. A kind word and some advice from a "professional" about their experiences can make the difference between feeling dull and despondent or sparkling with confidence and ready to chase your dream.
I can't wait to be an "old hand". I love language, writing and the "virtual" industry. I hope that further down the track I can offer the same kindness and support that I experienced this week.
Many thanks S - this post is for you!
"You are what you perceive yourself to be! Be inspired and go for it".
Be inspired and Go For It!
A woman I have never met sent me these words in response to an email I had posted on one of the forums I belong to. Feeling particularly fed up with a discussion topic which had been going on for weeks, which I felt was negative and unhelpful, I sent an email challenging some of the points of view that I had been reading.
Later, I received a personal reply which made me feel great! Someone had heard and understood.
There's a lot of talk about random acts of kindness, but this was the first time I had actually experienced one. I was really touched that this busy lady had taken the time and trouble to give me a much needed boost and offered some really helpful advice.
I felt so full of confidence after exchanging a few more emails with this lady, that I joined and applied for a job, translating and transcribing some interviews. I had visited the site before but hadn't dared join. After all, it was for real translators wasn't it?, not people like me.
This lovely lady made me see that I had all the necessary qualifications and experience - the only thing holding me back was me! This made me think back to my first post "Is It Explosious?". Clearly, there was still some of the "fraud factor" lurking about. If the phrase , "Your perception is your reality" is true - what was I saying about myself?
A mentor can be a wonderful thing. I think sometimes it is easy to forget how you felt when you started anything new, whether it is a sport, hobby or change of career. A kind word and some advice from a "professional" about their experiences can make the difference between feeling dull and despondent or sparkling with confidence and ready to chase your dream.
I can't wait to be an "old hand". I love language, writing and the "virtual" industry. I hope that further down the track I can offer the same kindness and support that I experienced this week.
Many thanks S - this post is for you!
"You are what you perceive yourself to be! Be inspired and go for it".
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